

PrairieSky actively markets its Royalty Properties to encourage third-party development through various arrangements including seismic option agreements.

The extensive seismic database across much of PrairieSky’s lands provides a significant advantage for lessees. PrairieSky has a seismic licence to certain proprietary seismic data held by a third party, as well as exclusive proprietary and partner proprietary seismic data, which together encompass approximately 54,150 kilometers of 2-D seismic and approximately 20,100 square kilometers of 3-D seismic.

PrairieSky 2D and 3D seismic coverage maps can be accessed using the interactive map on the right.

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Central / Southern AB
& Western Sask

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SE Sask / MB

Seismic Shapefile Download

Asset Base of the Company

PrairieSky Royalty has the largest independently-owned portfolios of fee simple mineral title lands in Canada with approximately 9.7 million acres of fee simple mineral title lands with petroleum and/or natural gas rights.

Selling Your Royalties

If you are looking to sell your royalty or mineral title interests, please Click Here

PrairieSky Royalty Disclaimer: PrairieSky Royalty Ltd. makes no warranty, cannot guarantee and does not assume any liability or responsibility whatsoever for the quality and accuracy of the data and information contained within the land and seismic maps provided. Users of the data and information contained within the land and seismic maps do so at their own risk. In no event shall PrairieSky Royalty Ltd. be liable for any injury, expenses, profits, loss or damage, direct, incidental or consequential or any other pecuniary loss arising out of the use or inability to use the data and information contained herein.